In this year's third issue of the magazine Shonen Sirius monthly from the publisher Kodansha, published January 26th in Japan, the final chapter of the manga, written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu, Hataraku Saibou ((Cells at work!). The last two-part chapter looked at COVID-19 and its effects on the human body from the perspective of cells. The announcement also revealed the cover of the sixth and final compilation volume of this work.
Shimizu, for his part, published the manga in the magazine Shonen Sirius monthly from the publisher Kodansha since March 2015 and has inspired a significant number of spin-off series based on other cell types. The manga resumed on October 26th after a two-year hiatus. In addition, the spin-off manga was written by Shigemitsu Harada and illustrated by Issei Hatsuyoshiya, Hataraku Saibou Black ((Cells at work! Code black) also recently ended.
The piece inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation that aired between July and September 2018 and was produced by the studios. David production Headed by Kenichi Suzuki and scripts from Yuuko Kakihara. A second season of eight episodes is currently being broadcast in Japan Funimation worldwide distribution.
Synopsis of Hataraku Saibou
This is a story about you. It is actually a story that unfolds within you. According to a new study, the human body is made up of around 37 trillion cells. These cells have to work hard every day in a world that is actually your own body. Meet these forgotten heroes and the drama that unfolds inside you, from red blood cells that carry oxygen to bacteria that fight white blood cells! This is the strangest and most interesting story about cell life!
Source: Comic Natalie
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