On the franchise’s Twitter and Instagram accounts One piece, a special video of the author’s drawing process was published Eiichiro Oda for the color illustration featured in issue # 27 of the magazine Weekly Shonen Jump from the publisher Shueisha, published last week.
好評 発 売 中 の WJ27 号 の 巻 頭 カ ラ ー 製作 過程 動画 が 尾 田 さ ん か ら 届 い た よ! ン テ ー ブ ル を 回 し て い た の は…?
– ONE PIECE ス タ ッ フ 【公式】 (@Eiichiro_Staff) June 9, 2020
今 週 号 の ONEPIECE の 感想 は ハ ッ シ ュ タ グ # 今 週 の ワ ン ピ を つ け て ガ ン ガ ン 呟 い て ね!
イ ン ス タ グ ラ ム で も い ろ ん な レ ア 情報 公開 中 だ か ら こ っ ち も チ ェ ッ ク し よ う! https: //t.co/UrteoxToW1 pic.twitter.com/Wd74V8HWwE
The video reveals that the original plan was for the illustration to have Luffy as the DJ, but during the discussion of the drafts, it was finally changed to Sanji.
The manga paused in its serialization in issue # 26 of the magazine on June 1, and resumed in issue # 27. Oda stated in May that because the manga is made entirely in analog form, the workplace is being accommodated to meet social distancing standards. The author commented that there is likely to be more pause in serialization because of this.
One Piece Synopsis
The story centers on Monkey D. Luffy, a young pirate who ventures into the East Blue Ocean to find the “One Piece”, the most important hidden treasure for pirates, because whoever finds it will be proclaimed as the King of the Pirates.
Luffy will create his own group known as the Straw Hat Pirates, and will recruit new members while meeting enemies, criminal organizations, revolutionaries and the World Government itself.
Source: ANN
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