On the official page for the manga written and illustrated by Mitsukazu Mihara, Dokuhime no hitsugiIt has been confirmed that the play will come to an end in this year's eleventh issue of the magazine Nemuki Plus from the publisher Asahi Shimbun publications, expected to be released on October 13th.
In the first compilation volume of this manga it had already been confirmed that the work would end with its second volume. This manga is a continuation of Mihara's work, Docuhime. The sequel will be published in the magazine Nemuki Plus from the publisher Asahi Shimbun publications since April 2017. The original manga ended in 2012 and the publisher put the work together in a total of five volumes.
Dokuhime no Hitsugi Synopsis
Everything starts with poisonous herbs under his crib. Then under your covers and in your clothes. Even mixed with the milk they give to the newborn. In this way, the child gradually gets used to poisons and becomes the perfect killing tool: the "princess of poison", who grants death to every kiss, tear and even touch.
Her only chance of survival is to fulfill her duty as an assassin and find a way to live in the hostile country she is sent to. But your heart is not immune to the most poisonous poison it has not yet experienced: love.
Source: ANN
© A ミ ツ カ 著 (著) / 朝日 新聞 A ASAHI SHIMBUN PUBLICATIONS