The publication of Black clover, the acclaimed manga, written and illustrated by Yuki Tabata, who recently set a new personal sales record.
Despite the Completion of the anime The success of the work does not stop and now we are waiting for the release of the Black Clover film, the visual keyframe of which we were able to observe. To further demonstrate the manga’s popularity, new information is coming on copies of the volumes in circulation.
Details of the sales were released after the celebrations of the sixth anniversary of the series and the publication of register number 28, in which, as can be seen on the cover shown at the end of the message, Jack will play a role of paramount importance. The achieved goal corresponds 12 million copies, a number far from that of the most famous manga published by Shueisha, but which seems destined to keep growing.
While the animated rendition of Black Clover comes to an end, showing us what happened to Asta’s mother in the past, the paperwork is over he is not far from such events shows members of the Black Bull Company still involved in various battles in the Kingdom of Swords.
What do you think of Black Clover and his new milestone? Let us know in the comments.
『ブ ラ ク ロ』 コ ミ ッ ク ス 28 巻 本 日 発 ♣ ♣ ♣
– (@blackclover_off) April 2, 2021
翠緑 の 蟷 螂 団 長 ・ ジ ャ ッ ク が 初 初 セ タ ー ー‼ ️
イ ン パ ク ト 大 な グ リ ー ン の 表 表 紙 目 印 印‼ ️
本 編 で も ジ ャ ッ ク の 裂 断 断 魔法 が 炸裂 ✨
ナ ハ ト の 新 た な 悪 魔 同化 姿 姿 も
白熱 の 「ス ペ ー ド 王国 攻略 編」
ぜ ひ ご 一 読 く だ さ い‼ ️ ️‼# ブ ラ ッ ク ク ロ ー ー バ # ブ ラ ク ロ #blackclover