The witcher is a name that recently became popular with the public thanks to the Netflix series. The streaming platform has also decided to try its hand at the animated project The Witcher: The Wolf’s Nightmare to further expand the mythology of this project in the universe.

While you wait to learn more details about the Netflix Project, there are many ways to enjoy these characters. In addition to the historical books and legendary video games from CD Projekt Red, there is of course the recently created Netflix series, but a different look comes from The Witcher Cosplay.

In fact, there are more and more cosplayers, both men and women, who interpret the characters that author Andrzej Sapkwoski created decades ago. One of them is Shermie, a Brazilian cosplayer who has brought her version of Triss Merigold in the past. The Maribor sorceress has been seen several times and also with different outfits, although both are the same hues.

In the past few hours, Shermie has decided to take her character photos to showcase one double cosplay of Triss Merigold comparing the character’s two pieces of clothing. Which Triss do you like most of the two featured below?

See this post on Instagram

A post by Shermie (@shermie_cos)

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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