Over the course of its long history of production, the Pokémon anime has created a ton of characters. Almost all of them appeared for a single episode or a little longer, while the rest are the recurring people who make up the cornerstone of the product. In addition to the protagonists, there is also the policewoman Jenny and many others.

The members of the Team Rocket are some of these recurring characters. The group of rascals invigorates various clashes between good and evil, but also opportunities for gags. We have now known the trio of Jessie, James and Meowth for a lifetime and have seen them in every possible and imaginable situation. In the course of the Pokémon anime, the trio often dressed up and James wore women’s clothes several times without any problems.

Now is the time for one Team Rocket James Genderbender Cosplay, prepared by Cutie Pie Sensei. The cosplayer presented a photo on her Instagram account in which she wears the characteristic white Team Rocket outfit, has James’ blue hair and is holding a rose in her right hand. The dress has been slightly retouched to look more like its female counterpart, Jessie. What do you think about this Pokémon cosplay?

Meanwhile, in the anime, an old friend of Ash returns.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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