The saga of survival of the universe, the latest anime from Dragon Ball great forced the Z Fighters to fight incredibly powerful opponents like Jiren in the Tournament of Power. Let’s understand the final stages of the competition by answering the question: Who won between Goku and Jiren?
Member of the Pride Troopers, a group of superheroes defending order and justice in Universe 11, Jiren After years of training, he attained such an extraordinary level of power that it was considered by the writers themselves the most powerful opponent ever introduced to the seriesat least until the Tournament of Power.
His main goal is to revive his teacher, Gitchen, to finally be recognized as his worthy heir. Selfish intention that clashes with the noblest goal of the protagonists who intend to save their universe. At the command of Belmond, the God of Destruction of Universe 11, Jiren turns to the Saiyan. slightly rejecting all his best techniquesfrom the Kamehameha to the Genkidama Sphere.
At a time of marked disadvantage, Goku manages to awaken the Ultra Instinct with which he finally manages to dodge the opponent’s punches and also hit him. The exertion required by the Divine Form puts Goku in danger again, and after Jiren confronts Hit by knocking him out of the arena, he returns to fight him alongside Vegeta and later Freeza and #17.
Goku manages to master the Ultra Instinct and gets Jiren in trouble until he is overcome with fatigue and the opponent gets the advantage. It is only thanks to Freeza’s return to the battlefield and his prior agreement with #17 that the Galactic Emperor and Goku can throw Jiren out of the ring and announce Universe 7’s victory. So technically: Goku emerged victorious from the fight with Jirenbut in terms of sheer power and skill during the Tournament of Power, the essence of Universe 11 far outstripped the protagonist.