On June 11, 2022, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero landed in Japanese cinemas. While its debut didn't fare as well as Dragon Ball Super: Broly's, the film did offer viewers some exciting moments, including some new transformations. But the big surprise was there revolutionary graphics in 3DCG.
Since the early days of marketing, TOEI Animation has focused heavily on promoting the new style of graphics. For the Dragon Ball franchise, which has always been tied to 2D drawings, this was an incredible act of bravery to have jeopardize the loyalty of a certain segment of the public. However, the experiment would have succeeded with flying colors, according to Japanese fans, thanks to the smooth animations and pleasing to the eye.
However, most nostalgics continue to wonder if it wasn't actually Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero better movie if it had adopted traditional graphics, similar to that of the Dragon Ball Super Anime. To fulfill this desire, a group of animators from TOEI Animation teamed up with a famous YouTuber to imagine superheroes in a traditional two-dimensional style. Meanwhile, Akira Toriyama has answered questions about the production of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.
Artists like Andie Chu, Barkarott and Glas have tried recreate a few frames from the feature film, which sees Gohan and Piccolo as the undisputed stars, with more "old-style" graphics. The result, as you can see from the video at the top of the article, would have been just as satisfying, although it probably wouldn't have been as well received.
In your opinion for the future TOEI Animation should focus on the graphic style used in Dragon Ball Super: Super Heroor stay true to the traditional of Dragon Ball Super?