The bully Hana Uzaki, university student protagonist of the sexy comedy Uzaki-chan wa asobitai, will begin to torment her senpai in the month of July 2020, as revealed recently by the official website dedicated to the anime. The series, highly anticipated in Japan, was shown in the second trailer visible at the top of the article.
Uzaki-chan wa asobitai tells the story of the aforementioned Hana Uzaki, a nineteen-year-old student who was only five feet tall, and her university mate Shinichi Sakurai, an introverted boy constantly teased by kohai. The series is part of the same genre of romantic / ecchi manga that in recent years has been depopulating in the east, which includes other very important titles including Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san is Yancha Gal no Anjou-san.
At the bottom you can take a look at the key visual shared by the official Twitter profile, in which the staff celebrated the return of the anime after the abrupt period of postponements related to the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic. One of the "hottest" souls of the year will therefore debut in one of the warmer months, as the second season of Re: Zero, Oregairu 3 and the second part of Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld will be released in the same period.
And what do you think of it? Are you waiting for this anime? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below!
新 ビ ジ ュ ア ル 公開 ッ ス! /
TV ア ニ メ 「宇 崎 ち ゃ ん は 遊 び た い!」 新 ビ ジ ュ ア ル を 公開 ッ ス !!
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7 月 か ら の 放送 を ど う ぞ お 楽 し み に> ▽ < 宇 崎 ち ゃ ん 「宇 崎 ち ゃ ん は 遊 び た い!」 公式 (@uzakichan_asobi) May 9, 2020