At the end of the broadcast of the last episode of the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Kenjiro Hata, Tonikaku kawaii ((TONIKAWA: Overjoyed for you) the production of an OVA was announced, the premiere of which is planned for the year 2021. Further details will be announced shortly. We had previously reported that the series would have a “new animation project,” but it was never confirmed to be a second season.

The series premiered on October 3 in Japan and had a total of twelve episodes. For his part, Hata began publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday from the publisher Shogakukan The publisher released the thirteenth compiled volume on October 16, and the fourteenth volume appeared in Japanese stores on December 19.

Production team

  • Hiroshi ikehata ((Murenase Seton Gakuen) was responsible for directing the anime in the studios Seven arches of pictures.
  • Kazuho Hyodo ((Kiratto Pri Chan) was responsible for writing and monitoring the series scripts.
  • Masakatsu sasaki ((Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai) was responsible for the character design.
  • Endou was responsible for the composition of the soundtrack under the direction of Satoshi Motoyama.

Tonikaku Kawaii Synopsis

The romantic comedy follows a boy named Nasa who meets the beautiful girl Tsukasa on the day he starts school and immediately falls in love with her. Nasa confesses her feelings to him, but she replies that she will only date him if they get married.

Years later, when Nasa turns 18, Tsukasa reappears in his life and asks for his promised marriage. This is how your newly married life begins.

Source: Comic Natalie

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Sweety Otaku

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