The editorial Futabasha released the first installment in a series of animated short films based on the Yaoi manga written and illustrated by Moe Fujisaki, Fudanshi Shoukan: Isekai from Shinjuu ni Hameraremashita. This new series commemorates the start of the second compilation volume on September 9th.

The series will have a new episode every Thursday, so it will air for another three weeks. On the other hand, Yoshitomo is responsible for character design and anime direction in the studios AQUA IRISwhile Yuuhei Matsumoto is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.


  • Takuya Satou like Nagi.
  • Haruki Ishiya as Kotone Aizuhara.

Fudanshi Shoukan Synopsis: Isekai from Shinjuu ni Hameraremashita

Kotone is a fudanshi. One day while looking for Yaoi manga in front of a manga booth, a truck loses control and hits him. He dies instantly surrounded by a large number of Yaoi manga books.

To his surprise, Kotone suddenly wakes up in a palace with ancient Asian aesthetics and Nagi appears in front of him, a half-snake man who declares himself to be his miko. Both have to have sex in order for Nagi to become a higher being and a "dragon". However, Kotone is an expert on Yaoi, and he knows that all of this will aim for him to be the "ukulele" (passive) so he will use his knowledge to avoid it.

Source: ANN

(c) え ε’² γ‚‚ え 2020


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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