In a few days an era will end, a manga that has been with us for almost twelve years and has fascinated millions of readers from all over the world. The attack of the giants 139 is ready and will be released on April 9, 2021, awaiting the arrival of the final chapter We decided to make a roundup of all the spoilers that have appeared on the net.

Of course, the question everyone is asking when Hajime Isayama can answer all questions in just 45 pages, as we remind you that, surprisingly, the last chapter will not be above average in length. Regardless of the ending, however, it cannot be denied that the work will always be remembered as one of the works that marked an era.

The appointment of April 9th, however it does not mark the final conclusion of the serieshow we remind you that in the winter of 2022 the second part of The Attack of the Giants 4 will be released, the final season of the anime curated by MAPPA. It will also be interesting to find out whether or not Isayama decides to return to the manga with additional chapters There are still a few months left to separate from the release of Volume 34.

And what do you think about it What do you expect from this ending? Let us know in the comments! In the meantime, we recommend subscribing to the EveryeyePlus YouTube channel, where you can check out our cinema, TV series and anime content every day.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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