On the official site for the animated adaptation of light novels by Clay coke and illustrated by Hiro, Super boyan interview with the director was published Toshirou fujii ((18if, baby steps) who is responsible for this production. The interview is quite long so only the most relevant answers related to the production are shared.

Super boy
  • The broadcast has started. With that in mind, let me ask you a few questions. First of all, I was pretty impressed with Koguma’s smile.
  • Koguma is by nature a quiet and expressionless character. Perhaps that is why the impression he makes when he smiles is more pronounced. I gave the following instruction to the production team: “Oguma does not show emotions when she is with people, but when she is alone or on her scooter, you can show them happy, angry or sad.”.
  • Could it be that some viewers are uncomfortable with Koguma’s personality?
  • It’s okay. I think we all have experiences in our daily life where we meet a person for the first time and we think, “what’s wrong with this guy?” But as you get to know him better, you realize that he is a good person. So I don’t think it’s a problem for the audience to feel that way at first..
Super boy
  • One more thing about expressions: when Koguma started the scooter, I was impressed with the transition of the colors from a slightly saturated to a vivid tone.
  • Using color direction is not uncommon and actually a pretty classic technique, but I was directly inspired by a movie. When Koguma’s heart finally feels emotions, his world turns into a livelier one. So I decided to convey their feelings. I think it wasn’t that detailed, but I’m sure it was effective.
  • It’s rare for an anime to use this technique, so it must certainly have been difficult to explain to the production team.
  • There were times when it was, but that was cause and effect. The problems arose from my own decision to set this policy. It is therefore my sole responsibility to implement them. In addition, a large part of the production team has never ridden a scooter or has been to the locations of the series. I also wanted to create an animation that was different from today. With all of this, it was to be expected that the team would have trouble moving the project forward, but it’s not their fault at all.
  • Another aspect that impressed me is that the sounds when Koguma rode his scooter seemed pretty real.
  • In production we had an idea that he had to master: “The sound of the scooter is the most important thing.” So the writer of the novels rented us his own scooter and we recorded all of his sounds. He brought it to us in his minivan, haha. The sound effects director also got the same roller from Koguma, so we recorded all the sounds we needed for the production this way.
  • Is it difficult to create this variety of sounds for production?
  • Yes. We don’t usually think about it much, but we hear a wide variety of noises in our daily life. It is quite difficult to recreate this daily life in animation.
  • What do you mean by that?
  • For example, many people are unaware of the noises they make while walking on the street, but if we did not include these noises in the animation, they would notice. The noises that we hear but unconsciously ignore are quickly recognized by us when we see an animation that does not contain them. We feel uncomfortable without knowing why. In this case we don’t add a lot of soundtrack to the episodes so we can’t “cheat” and hide the sounds, which is one of the most important aspects of the production..

Super Cub Synopsis

The story revolves around Koguma, a high school girl in Yamanashi. She has no parents, friends or hobbies and her daily life is empty. One day, Koguma receives a used Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This will be her first time riding a motorcycle to school. Running out of gas and avoiding a crash becomes a small source of adventure for Kagura’s empty life. She is happy with her new life until her classmate Reiko tells her that she has a motorcycle too.

Fountain: official page

(c) Ton Koken, hiro / © 2019 Studio KAI inc.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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