As you all surely know, these last few months have not been very generous with our beloved anime and manga industry. The arrival of Coronavirus and the subsequent quarantine has in fact had severe effects on various productions, many of which have been paused for several weeks.

In short, the first half of 2020 will certainly not be remembered as one of the most flourishing periods for the industry, so being able to take a healthy breath of fresh air from time to time will surely please many users. So here is precisely during these last hours The Day I Became a God has been officially announced, new original anime that immediately aroused the interest of many readers and viewers.

The production, in fact, seems to have been born from the collaboration of three different animation studios, namely Key Studio, ANIPLEX and PAWorks, names of a certain weight that within the industry have repeatedly shown their skills with animated works of great quality. For the moment we still have no information about the series, but in return it has been made known that production is expected to arrive in October 2020, with the character design of Na-Ga and the original screenplay by Jun Maeda.

Before saying goodbye, wanting to continue talking about good news, we remind you that recently it was made known that the Jujutsu Kaisen manga was made free on Viz Shonen Jump.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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