On the official site for the animated adaptation of the manga written and illustrated by Rui Takatou, Light Blue Dot Battle Athletess Daiundoukai Reboottitled Battle Athletess Daiundoukai restart!the first promotional video of the project was revealed.
The video confirms that the series will premiere in Japan in April 2021. The prologue of the manga has been posted on the website Comic Ruelle & Comic Jardin of Jitsugyo no Nihon Sha on June 26th and is still in publication. The first compilation volume will be published on December 18th. The original OVA series, Martial artist Daiundoukai was released in Japan between 1997 and 1998.
Finally, the statement also included a new promotional image for this project.
- Sumire morohoshi as Kanata Akehoshi.
- Yui ishikawa like Eva Garenstein.
- Miyu Tomita like Shelley Wong.
Production team
- Noriyoshi Sasaki ((Kyōto Teramachi Sanjō no Holmes, Joshi Kausei) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios seven.
- Youhei kashii is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Kazunori Haruya is responsible for the character design.
- Yasuhiro gauze, Shingo Yamazaki, Takuma Sogi, Yūko Takahashi, Kazuki Tomita, Hisakuni and Kenta Yokochi You are responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Synopsis of Battle Athletess Daiundoukai restart!
This new manga features an entirely new story based on the original work. The original science fiction and sports story takes place in the year 5100, when top athletes from the entire solar system fight for the “Cosmic Beauty”, the champion of a huge sports tournament. The prologue chapter introduces new competitors.
Source: Comic Natalie
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