On the official page for the animated franchise from Sword art online The cover art of the anime's 7th Blu-ray / DVD compilation album has been revealed Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of the Underworld. The launch is scheduled for November 11th and will include episodes 19-21.
The series premiered in Japan on July 11th and aired its final episode today. Sword Art Online: Alicization was the adaptation of the "Alicization Arc" from Reki Kawahara's easy novel series, which was broadcast for a total of four arcs. "War of Underworld" aired, the first 12 airing in the first part, which was released in October 2019.
Reki Kawahara began publishing the novels independently in 2002 and subsequently published them through the publisher Kadokawa in April 2009 with 23 volumes. The franchise is one of Japan's most successful light novel series, viewed by fans as the light novel of the decade and an anime adaptation of spin-off light novels. Sword Art Online: Progressive, it's confirmed.
Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld Synopsis
Kirito suddenly wakes up in a huge and fantastic forest full of towering trees. On his search for clues that might indicate where he is, he comes across a boy who seems to know him. It seems like a simple NPC, but its conversation and depth show that it could be human. As they search for the boy's parents together, a memory begins to echo in his head, a memory from his own childhood of this boy and another girl who also has his golden hair and a name he will never forget should: Alice.
Source: official page
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