After the last events of the Superman series, fans are eager to find out how the story born from the mind of will continue Brian Michael Bendis, which will forever change the world of the famous DC superhero.
As you know Clark Kent he has decided to reveal his true identity to everyone, so he is preparing to announce to the whole world that he is Superman. As you can imagine it will be a decision that will have a huge impact on his life, so the protagonist of the necklace has decided to ask the most powerful wizards for his help. In fact, in number 23 of the saga we find Doctor Fate, Zatanna, John Constantine and Detective Chimp, called to check for any magical influences on Superman’s decision. Zatanna immediately warns him that he cannot help him in this choice, a dialogue that has reminded many comic book fans of one of the stories written by Bendis when he worked for Marvel.
Even Spider-Man had decided to reveal his true identity to the whole world, a choice he regretted and that led him to a pact with Mephisto, to save the life of Aunt May. This will not be the case for Clark Kent, who will be forced to live with his choice.
If you want to know what other superheroes think about Clark Kent’s decision, we report this news focused on the relationship between Batman and Superman.