Pending the announcement of the second Cour of the Spy x Family anime adaptation, the Chapter 67-1 of Tatsuya Endo's manga series represents the worst-case scenario for Loid Forger. Operation Strix is just one step away from bankruptcy.
Yor's new friendship had prompted Loid to come up with a plan C for his secret mission in Spy x Family. However, the cliffhanger is the Mission 67, part one seems to shake everything. Twilight's true identity is in grave jeopardy.
To keep up with his cover, Loid works as a psychiatrist in a hospital in Berlint. However, his popularity in the workplace has sparked Jealousies by director Gerald Gorey, who enjoyed all the attention of his colleagues prior to Loid's arrival.
After numerous teasing at work, the dr Gorey crosses the line. Jealous of the attention that Fiona, the Nightfall's undercover spy, is paying Loid, the man performs a very serious act: he picks up the phone to alert the state security service that there is one spies on the staff of his hospital.
Gorey has since apparently witnessed the forgery he has no idea of Loid's alternate identity, but his reckless call could permanently jeopardize Operation Strix. Will Yuri Briar, Yor's brother, step in to investigate the allegations against Loid?