During an event presentation AnimeJapan 2021 The first promotional video was revealed for the animated adaptation of the manga, which was written and illustrated by Koharu Ikami, Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid ((The Duke of Death and his black maid). The video confirms that the premiere is scheduled for next July in Japan.
Ikami publishes the manga via the portal Sunday Webry from the publisher Shogakukan since October 2017. The publisher published the ninth compilation volume in May 2020 and the tenth in October of the same year. The plant had more than 900,000 copies in circulation in October 2020.
- Natsuki Hanae like Bocchan.
- Ayumi Mano like Alice.
Production team
- Yoshiki Yamakawa ((Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, Highscore girls, Little busters!) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios JCSTAFF in collaboration with studios SMDEwho are responsible for the CGI animation.
- Hideki Shirane ((Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho bitch na Ken, Date A Live, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Michiru Kuwabata ((Highscore girls, Penguin no Mondai) is responsible for the character design
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid Synopsis
Cursed by a witch as a child, a young duke acquired the unwanted power to kill every living being he touched. The Duke is forced to move away from his family and move into a large mansion deep in the forest. He is treated as if he does not exist and is constantly shunned by his companions.
However, you are not all alone. Rob and Alice, her butler and maid, are always by her side. Alice loves to tease him, and as their relationship grows, the Duke sets out to break free of his deadly curse. Of course he will need help, and who better than the various denizens of the supernatural?
Source: Comic Natalie
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