On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Musubi onigiri, Ookami-san wa Taberaretaithe first promotional video of the project was revealed. The video shows the main theme titled "Koi no Ookami" and performed by Saki Hazuki.
The series will have two versions; The first is broadcast on the Japanese channel with censorship Tokyo MX, YouTube and Niconico from September 6th, while the second version (Premium Edition) contains explicit scenes and is published exclusively on the paid website ComicFestafrom September 7th at midnight.
Left to right:
- You Suzuhiro as Tatsumi Akazu, a passionate physical education teacher who is very popular with students.
- Iroha Haruno as Hinako Ookami, the beautiful "lonely wolf" student.
- Kazuma Hoshino as Rei Kobayama, the mysterious school nurse.
Production team
- Kazuhiro Toda is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Top hunting.
- Kei Sankaku is responsible for the character design.
- LAZZ is the animation director and costume designer for the characters.
- Saku Suzuki serves as a color artist for the series.
- Mame will be responsible for art direction
- Kanda myth will be the director for the composition of the photograph.
- Saki Hazuki will perform the theme song of the series "Koi no Ookami".
Summary of Ookami-san wa Taberaretai
I want Akagashira-sensei to be my "first time"!
When Ookami, a beautiful and lonely girl, had her skirt stolen in physical education class, her teacher Akagashira-sensei managed to find the “responsible person” and bring Ookami home shortly afterwards. However, this was all part of Ookami's plan to corner his teacher and seduce him into his room.
Source: Comic Natalie
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