One of the biggest difficulties in producing an anime starting from a source material, whether it is a manga or a light novel, is respecting a certain degree of fidelity even without excessively prolonging the narration. TOEI Animation also had to submit to the same rules with ONE PIECEeven at the cost of huge differences.

The countdown to the highly anticipated new episode of ONE PIECE, expected for several months now, is to expire on June 28th, when the anime returns to its regular publication. The resumption of the series was now a matter of time, since as early as the end of May the voice actors had returned to work in such a way as to bring production times forward. Well, the wait is therefore about to end, we therefore suggest that you continue to follow us so as not to miss the release of the new episode.

However, have you ever wondered how many chapters of the manga are adapted in each episode of the anime? The answer is extremely simple: not even one.

Actually, in fact, the animated adaptation is dangerously approaching the weekly events of the manga by Eiichiro Oda, which is why for several years already TOEI Animation has implemented a policy aimed at extending the narrative as much as possible, even at the cost of long downtimes. To give you an idea of ​​the situation, a fan, a certain GenGaara25, has extrapolated the adaptation rate saga after saga in a table, the same that you can admire at the bottom of the news.

As you can see yourself, in fact, from saga of the Sabaody Archipelago the speed of transposition of the manga has dropped dramatically between ups and downs, up to the historical minimum of 1 one chapter every 2 episodes – during the Reverie arc – at the current rate of 0.7: 1. This, therefore, with a minimum of approximation, means that for every 2 episodes two chapters are transposed.

And you, instead, what do you think of these data? Let us know with a comment below.

The anime’s pacing visualized. List of the average chapter to episode ratio per arc. from r / OnePiece

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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