Do not be alarmed by the alleged spoiler in the title because of the events of Nightwing # 71, latest issue of Dan Jurgens, can not be summarized in any way except by stepping back about 2 years. So what is happening to Dick Grayson? And for what reason we speak of treason to Batman? Let’s find out together.
In issue 55 of Nightwing published in 2018, Soviet supervillain KGBeast fired a gunshot at Dick Grayson’s head, causing him a complete loss of memory. After working for a short period with the villain Doctor HaasNightwing – now known as “Ric” – has overcome several difficulties, eventually finding himself forced to confront the Joker.
In issue 71, published last June 9, Ric / Nightwing captured the criminal Tusk, who escaped thanks to the clown. After returning to Bludheaven’s Prodigal Bar, however, the hero found his fiancΓ©e Bea near the Joker, finally ready to chat with Batman’s ally.
After a brief confrontation the Joker uses the memory crystal to rewrite Greyson’s memories, putting himself in the shoes of his savior. “Let me tell you the story of a boy“says the criminal,”whose parents died in a circus. The death of the parents should have made the boy very sad, but in reality this was excited because a man, with green hair and white skin, welcomed him into his family, raising him as if he were his son“. Nightwing’s mental stability has been faltering for several years now, and the use of Dr. Haas ‘crystal may therefore have compromised Dick’ s memory forever.
The Joker has already killed Jason Todd, one of Batman’s most valuable allies, and having Dick Grayson in hand is certainly not good news for the bat.
And what do you think of it? Will Nightwing recover memory? Let us know yours by leaving a comment in the box below! Meanwhile, we take this opportunity to remind you that Batman will soon enter the narrative arc of the Joker War, and that apparently in the following numbers there will also be room for the appearance of Nightwing.