The serialization of Naruto It has been followed for many years and hundreds and hundreds of chapters all of which have enabled us to greatly appreciate the growth of characters. In particular, Sasuke, the brother of the exterminator of the Uchiha clan, is one of the most changed in the work.
Sometimes it is good to remember, thanks to the longevity of the masterpiece of Masashi Kishimotowe could see the growth of the different protagonists, like that of a 33 year old Sasuke in Boruto. In fact, due to his role as the master of the son of Hokage and one of Konoha's strongest ninja, the Uchiha is still a protagonist in the sequel to Naruto.
However, Itachi's brother has changed many times throughout history, thanks in particular to the people who shaped his life and future: Naruto and Itachi themselves. In fact, at the beginning of the job, Sasuke is completely obsessed with his desire to kill his beloved brother to the point that he has no problem escaping the Leaf Village to go to Orochimaru and train. Later, after acquiring the hypnotic Sharingan, after taking revenge and learning the truth about the Uchiha clan, the ninja changes his plans and fires his verdict: destroy Konoha.
But this crazy desire will not last long, because on the occasion of the First World War he will reveal in a dialogue with the hermit of the six ways that he has decided a different fate for the leaf village, a total revolution to make him a hokage in the shadows. His final and final change, which comes after the reconciliation and defeat by his lifelong friend Naruto, can be felt in Boruto as he proves that he is ready to die for the village at any time. And this is, if you think about it, the icing on the cake of a character who, after losing his home, spent a long time looking for a new place that could be considered his home to raise a family and share with his friend and Hokage to act in the shadows ...
However, in your opinion, Sasuke is a well-characterized character and the result of a troubled journey, isn't it? Let us know what you think about this with a comment below.
Just a daily reminder that no new gene deuteragonist comes close to Sasuke. Mans had more than 20 years of development and enumeration
- Meek (@ItsMeekYT) April 21, 2021