During the My Hero Academia War Bow We saw the incredible return of Lemillion, who had lost his quirk in the fight against overhaul. If Mirio succeeds in fulfilling the dream of becoming a hero who can save a million people, the credit will only belong to Eri-chan.

Despite losing his Quirk permeation, Mirio Togata never lost hope of being a hero again one day. Be next to little EriThe Yuei’s future promise knew that one day she would regain her skills.

And that really happened: Eri not only restarted the Lemillion Permeation, but also brought some Hope for the society of heroes. If one day Eri could completely master his quirks, he could gain the greatest trust in the Pro Heroes.

As we learned during the overhaul arc, Eris Quirk, the reverse, enables her to bring people back to their previous state. However, Eri is still a child and the knowledge of her power is highly unstable. However, by entering UA High School, he was finally able to master it.

That Eri could use her quirk to fight is highly unlikely as she has always viewed his power as a curse. But if it uses rewind for support purposes, it could become that best doctor in society. And this could also be done thanks to the help of Recovery Girl, the senior high school nurse.

Eri could in the future become the heir to the older heroine, an even better nurse. In contrast to Recovery Girl, who can only speed up the body’s natural healing process, Eri can restore the body to a state before the injury. This would mean that Eri could heal any type of bruise and convince her that it is her quirk actually a blessing.

Meanwhile, Chapter 306 of My Hero Academia has become a trend. In connection with the fifth season of animation, news will arrive for My Hero Academia The Three Musketeers.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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