Izuku Midoriya is closely associated with One for All, a quirk that his idol All Might has survived. Over the course of the history of My Hero Academia, Deku has become more attuned to the Force and slowly learned to use it better and not make it fatal to your body. This synergy grew until the last episode of the anime.

Crunchyroll went on stage My hero Academia 5×02which marked the beginning of the official story after a first filler episode. If one part of the episode was dedicated to Endeavor, Hawks and Mirko, who suddenly faced Dabi, the other was dedicated to the protagonist Izuku Midoriya. By relaunching the scene we saw at the end of season four of My Hero Academia, this time we step into Deku’s dream and see in detail what happened in his head during the night.

Midoriya observes the scene in her head in which All for One shows that it can transfer quirks from one body to another with no problem even showing an example with two unknown people. This approach makes it clear that All for One does not see itself as evil, but as the creator of a new world order. However, this led to conflicts with the younger brother, who was imprisoned for some time before receiving the One for All.

My Hero Academia 5×02 was therefore full of important revelations that will have theirs Impact on the future story of Izuku Midoriya.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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