In the most desperate situation, Deku was saved in My Hero Academia 378 by the arrival of some kind-hearted criminals. The Squadron consisting of La Brava, Gentle Criminal and Lady Nagant It enabled the capture of Skeptic, the rescue of the Yuei Flying Fortress, and the spread of Decay.

Thanks to the contribution of the new allies Deku has found hope again. In My Hero Academia 379, the battle between the two can begin, but not without a flashback to the return of this beloved former heroine and a focus on the antagonist's psyche.

A few hours back, the author takes us back to the central hospital shortly after Kurogiri's rebirth. Lady Nagant is still badly injured and doctors are trying to prevent her from moving. However, Nagant is determined to help Deku and finds support in Lock Rock, which provides her with the whereabouts of the young hero.

Back on the battlefield, from a very long distance, Lady Nagant one shot left. The effects of the explosion on his body are very serious indeed. It's too early for them to fight again, but the last bullet available prevents Shigaraki from activating decay again.

At this point, the scene shifts to All For One's internal world, where the The Demon King tries in vain to repossess his student's body. The puppet seems to have gotten rid of the puppeteer. Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura are ready to fulfill their most intimate wish, but Deku is not ready to give up the rescue cry he heard some time ago.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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