On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Yukiwo, Jashin-chan Dropkick (Dropkick on my devil!), has been announced Production of three new OVAs for the franchiseafter the fundraiser was successfully completed with a total of 115,964,266 yen from the donations of 3,348 people.
This is the fourth fundraiser, so a total of 183,540,631 yen was raised by the four. Likewise, It should be noted that the production previously stated that they would produce a new OVA for every 30 million yen accumulatedwhich explains why three were announced at the same time.
Although there are plans to show the episodes at events and broadcast them on streaming platforms, that's the long-term goal If the campaigns manage to raise enough money to produce twelve episodes, these will be raised and aired as the fourth season from the entire anime.
In fact, if we look at the chart of the collection by day, we can see that the collection was stuck at the 80 million yen mark a day before the end of the campaign. However, the production expressed a desire to break the record previously set by a campaign dies iraeprompting fans to donate large amounts.
For his part, Yukiwo publishes the manga through the service Funny Meteor from the publisher flexcomix since April 2012. Jashin-chan Dropkick has funded much of its anime adaptation project through fundraising campaigns, demonstrating a high level of interaction between fans and production. That level of relationship was probably why this franchise was named the most popular of 2022 at the event. Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2023 (TAAF2023).
Summary for Jashin-chan Dropkick
The demon Jashin-chan was summoned to earth by Yurine Hanazono, a girl with a gift for the occult. Unfortunately, Yurine doesn't really know how to send Jashin-chan back to Hell. Now stuck on Earth, she is forced to live in Yurine's apartment as her confidante. The only way for Jashin-chan to return would be to kill her summoner, but that's easier said than done for the incompetent demon. Since Jashin-chan is immortal and able to regenerate her body, Yurine doesn't stop attacking her with a variety of weapons, punishing her in horrible ways for her evil plans. Jashin-chan is also often visited by her demonic friends: the kindhearted gorgon Medusa and the energetic minotaur Minosu, who in contrast seem much more polite and disapprove of her plans to kill Yurine.
Font: Weird Natalie