On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu, Hataraku Saibouit was revealed that the special episode “Hataraku Saibou !!” Saikyou no Teki, Futatabi. Karada no Naka wa “Chou” Ousawagi! “will take 112 minutes.

This episode premieres in Japanese theaters on September 5, and features a story presented in the fifth compilation volume of the original manga. It’s actually one of the season two episodes, only it will premier early.

Shimizu, in turn, publishes the manga in the magazine Shonen Sirius monthly from the publisher Kodansha since March 2015 and has inspired a significant number of spin-off series based on other cell types.

The piece also inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation that aired between July and September 2018 and was produced by the studios. David production Headed by Kenichi Suzuki and scripts written by Yuuko Kakihara. A second season is confirmed for January 2021, as well as an anime adaptation of the spin-off manga. Hataraku Saibou Black for the same month.


The following cast members will make their debut in this episode:

  • Yuri Yoshida as lactic acid bacteria (Kuro).
  • Rie Takahashi as lactic acid bacteria (Aka).
  • Natsumi Fujiwara as lactic acid bacteria (panda).
  • Yurika Kubo as lactic acid bacteria (Buchi).

Production team

  • Hirofumi Ogura is the new director of the second season (and this special) in the studios David production.
  • Yuuko Kakihara returns to write and oversee the scripts.
  • Takahiko Yoshida returns to design the characters.
  • Kenichiro Suehiro returns to compose the soundtrack.

Synopsis of Hataraku Saibou

This is a story about you. It is actually a story that unfolds within you. According to a new study, the human body is made up of around 37 trillion cells. These cells have to work hard every day in a world that is actually your own body.

Meet these forgotten heroes and the drama that unfolds within you, from red blood cells that carry oxygen to bacteria that fight white blood cells! This is the strangest and most interesting story about cell life!

Source: AIR News

(c) David production (c) David production (c) 清水 清水 produ produ David production (c)


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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