On the official page for the anime adaptation of the manga by Moriko Mori and illustrated by Cota Tomimura, Gal to Kyouryuuthe second promotional video of the project was released. The video shows and confirms that the series will re-air from the first episode on October 3rd.

The broadcast of new episodes was stopped from mid-May due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production. The anime only aired a total of seven out of twelve planned episodes.

The series originally premiered on television in Japan on April 4. Tokyo MX and BS11. In addition, a live action series with Nana Yashiro. For his part, I died and Tomimura started publishing the manga in the magazine in October 2018 Young magazine from the publisher Kodansha.


  • Miyuri Shimabukuro like Kaede.
  • Yuko Natsuyoshi like Yamada.
  • Youki Kudoh like Senpai.
  • Seiichiro Yamashita like Shouta.

Production team

  • Jun Aoki is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Space Neko Company and Kamikaze Dougaas well as the composition of the series.
  • Touru Kanegae is responsible for the direction of sound.
  • gin from Busted rose is responsible for the composition of the soundtrack.
  • Yasumasa Koyama takes care of the sound effects.

Gal to Kyouryuu Synopsis

The story begins when a gyaru named Kaede finds a dinosaur and brings it home. The dinosaur eats human food, watches TV, and likes to be fashionable.

Source: Comic Natalie

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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