On the official site for the anime adaptation of the Light Novel series by Reiko Hiroshima and illustrated by Jyajya, Fushigi Dagashiya: Zenitendouwas announced to the spokesman and production team. The series will premiere on September 8th.
The first volume of light novels was published in May 2013, and the publisher Kaiseisha published the thirteenth volume on April 16. The work also inspired a short film entitled Fushigi Dakashiya Zenitendou: Tsutai Yakiwhich is part of the omnibus film Toei Manga Matsuri. This film was due to be released in Japanese cinemas on April 24, but was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cast of votes
- Nobue Iketani like Benko.
- Fukujurou Katayama like Sumimaru.
Production team
- Satoshi Tomioka (Usavich, Yanyan Machiko) is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Toei animation in collaboration with studios Kanaban graphics.
- Yuuji Kobayashi (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor moon crystal) is responsible for writing and monitoring the scripts.
- Satoru Matsuda (Henzuki no Gekokujou, Given) is responsible for the composition of the soundtrack.
- Emi Noda he plays the opening song "Kisoutengai Fushigi wo Douzu".
- KOCHO interprets the final topic with the title "Hanya Maru Mantenimiento, Zenitenya".
Synopsis of Fushigi Dakashiya Zenitendou
The story of the novels focuses on the mysterious candy and snack shop "Zenitendou" that only those who are lucky can find. The owner of this shop is a woman named Beniko, who also knows how to recommend the perfect candy to cure a person's physical and mental problems.
However, this may not work well if the person tries to use it incorrectly. Therefore, the fact that the beniko sweets bring good luck or curse those who receive them does not depend on it.
Source: Natalie comic
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