We are finally here, the second season of Fire Force starts now. At the top of the article you can watch with us the first episode with Italian subtitles, broadcast directly from the YouTube channel of Yamato Animation. We remind you that from now on the appointment will be every Friday at 19:55.

The premiere is titled “The Battle of Firefighters” and again throws Brigade 8 into the fray. The animations seem, as always, of a high standard, and apparently starting from the next episode we will begin to see some new characters.

The second season of Fire Force was announced immediately after the conclusion of the first and was produced and broadcast on record time. The first 24 episodes have adapted the events that occurred up to chapter 90 of the Okubo manga and according to what was shown in the trailer of last May, this second season should go up to the narrative arc number fourteen, called Arc Stigma. We remind you that this season will also consist of 24 episodes.

And what do you think of it? Will you follow the new episodes? Let us know by leaving a comment in the box below! In case you were a fan of the anime then, you can’t really miss the opportunity to take a look at the magnificent Tamaki cosplay posted on our pages a few months ago.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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