The female component was unfortunately often abused by Akira Toriyama and Toyotaro, especially in Dragon Ball Zbut partially offset by the tournament of power thanks to the characters of Kale and Caulifla. In any case, DEM Studio wanted to fashion an old acquaintance, Videl, but in their own way.
Videl has often been at the center of a great cosplay, like that of the talented Fabibi. However, the young heroine had little space in the narrative, save for a few brackets attached to the character of for obvious reasons Gohan. And for that very reason THE studio is Mini show they tried to redeem his character, albeit in a very specific way.
Both companies have actually merged to form one Videl-scale model, with dimensions of 28 x 13 x 13 in centimeters, depicted with his iconic workout clothes. However, the guys at Dem went a bit further as it is also possible to buy the figure in an Ultra variant that puts a little more pressure on, as you can admire in the picture gallery at the bottom of the news. In the second version, the heroine actually only wears a transparent t-shirt that barely covers the navel and leaves the area from the waist down uncovered. The statuette is already Can be pre-ordered on the official website at a price of 50 euros, traceable via the link to the source while stocks last. The photos of the uncensored model are also available on the official website.
And you, instead, what do you think of this character, do you like her? Please let us know as usual with a comment below.