The new adventure of Gohan and Piccolo, narrated in Dragon Ball Super: Superhero it has yet to arrive in different countries in the world. To promote the film’s debut in Chinese cinemas while promoting Gohan’s return to the leading role, industry giant Toei Animation has brought a giant statue of him to Hong Kong.

As you can see in the post at the bottom of the page shared on Reddit by user InCreatioN, above a series of billboards positioned in a square in the Mong Kok neighborhood, where the posters of the film appear with the main characters including Vegeta , Goku, Android 18, Bulma and the two new androids Gamma 1 and Gamma 2Standing on top of it is a giant Gohan, in his classic purple suit and in one of his battle poses.

A Homage of colossal dimensions one of the most important characters in the franchise’s past and has been increasingly marginalized due to the developments introduced in the Dragon Ball Super manga. Let us know what you think about this incredible promotional initiative in the comments section.

Finally, remember that the orange Piccolo figure was presented at New York Comic Con and we leave you to our review of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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