The villain of this Dragon Ball Super saga is Molo, a blue-and-white-skinned creature with goat-like facial features, which makes it difficult for the protagonists. Presented for more than a year, the enemy has magical powers that allow them to absorb the energy of those around them and leave many characters unarmed.

If Goku and Vegeta lost first because they didn't know these skills, they had to face the expanded version of Molo in the final chapters of Dragon Ball Super. Evil indeed he absorbed Android 73 and received his powers too. Now he is able to acquire the opponent's techniques by grabbing the enemy by the neck like he did with Vegeta.

In this condition, Molo could get Goku's Ultra Instinct? At the moment, the villain has not tried to acquire the techniques of the protagonist of Dragon Ball Super, also given his obvious superiority, but if the first novelties foreseen by the spoilers of Dragon Ball Super 63 were opponents, we could observe such a situation.

That of Goku is a technique of divine origin and therefore it is not said that Molo can absorb it as he did with other abilities, but rather If he succeeds, it would really be the end of the protagonists.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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