After Goku has eliminated the threat from Molo, he trains again with Whis to master the Ultra Perfect Instinct. By now Vegeta has realized that his training on the planet Yardrat has proven to be almost useless. However, the Saiyan prince is ready to take the next step Dragon Ball Superz.
In the final chapters of the manga, Beerus offered Vegeta his invaluable help. The prince of the Saiyans is aware that he cannot seek ultra instinct, which requires innate calm, and follows the opposite path, that of the hakai, the secret technique of the gods of destruction.
Although he is still far from mastering this skill, Vegeta has proven himself to be a serious student and in a short time submitted to the provocations of Beerus the basics of Hakai, the quintessence of every god of destruction.
In order to be able to master this technique, as explained by Beerus himself, Vegeta has to forget the mistakes of his pastto come to “new life”. The god of the Seventh Universe seems to have chosen him as his heir, on the other hand, the temperament and ease with which he prepares for destruction make Vegeta an excellent student. But is the prince really ready to take this step and give up the concepts learned so far?
Meanwhile, Broly seems ready to appear in Dragon Ball Super. Akira Toriyama has turned 66 and wishes the creator of Dragon Ball a happy birthday.