On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the light novels written by Fujino Ohmori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda, Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka (also known as Danmachi or Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?), it was announced that the premiere of the third season will be delayed until October of this year.
【ダ ン ま ち Ⅲ 放送 延期 の お 知 ら せ】
- ダ ン ま ち シ リ ー ズ ア ニ メ 公式 @ 3 期 10 月 以降 放送 ・ 配 信 開始 予 定 (@danmachi_anime) May 30, 2020
7 月 よ り 放送 ・ 配 信 予 定 の 「ダ ン ま ち Ⅲ」 に つ き ま し て 、 新型 コ ロ ル ス よ り を を と と す す す す す す す す す す す すす
今後 の 放送 ・ 配 信 情報 は 決定 次第 、 公式 サ イ ト 、 Twitter に て お 知 ら せ い た し ま す。 (続 https://t.co/XItWxm196d#danmachi
The statement clarified that the decision was made due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production. The series had its premiere scheduled for July. For their part, Fujino Ohmori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda, began the publication of light novels in January 2013 under the seal GA Bunko from the publisher SB Creative. A total of fifteen volumes have been published to date.
The first season of the anime adaptation premiered in 2015, followed by a second season in July 2019. The spin-off novel Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria It also inspired an anime adaptation released in April 2017.
Cast of voices
- Yoshitsugu Matsuoka like Bell Cranell.
- Inori Minase like Hestia.
- Maaya Uchida like Liliruca Arde.
- Yoshimasa Hosoya like Welf Crozzo.
- Chinatsu Akasaki like Mikoto Yamato.
- Haruka Chisuga like Sanjouno Haruhime.
- Saori Hayami like Ryuu Lyon.
- Saori Ohnishi like Aiz Wallenstein.
Production team
- Hideki Tachibana is in charge of directing the anime in the studios J.C. Staff.
- Hideki Shirane is in charge of series composition.
- Shigeki Kimoto is in charge of character design.
- Jin Aketagawa is in charge of sound direction while Keiji Inai is composing the soundtrack.
Synopsis of Danmachi
Life in the city of Orario is never boring, especially for Bell Cranel, a naive young man who hopes to become the greatest adventurer on earth. After a chance encounter with the goddess, Hestia, her dreams become a little closer to reality. With their support, Bell embarks on a fantastic quest in the monster-filled catacombs of the city, known as the "Dungeon." Death lurks in every corner of the cavernous depths of this terrifying labyrinth.
Even on the surface, survival is an effort-earned privilege. In fact, nothing is certain in a world where gods and humans live and work together, especially when they often struggle to get along. However, one thing is for sure: a number of mistakes, triumphs and friendships await the fearlessly optimistic protagonist of this Herculean tale.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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