Posted on the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the light novels by Torako and illustrated by Nozomi Ousaka, Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! (Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!) a mysterious message was shared that could be a hint that there's an important announcement coming soon for the franchise.
The short message writes: «Opportunity is knocking at the door. When the time comes, the gates to “celebrate” will open.». The message might seem like nonsense, but the word "celebration" is key to the franchise, especially this year. It turns out that next October will be ten years since the anime adaptation premiered in Japan. Could it be that you have prepared something?
Torako and Nozomi Ousaka began publishing the light novels through the publisher KA Esuma Bunko in June 2011, and they finished it in December 2017 with just four volumes. The work inspired a two-season anime adaptation produced by the studios Kyoto animation and premiered in Autumn-2012 (October-December) and Winter 2014 (January-March)with twelve episodes each.
The adaptation ended with the production of the film Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! Movie: Take on me, released in theaters in Japan in January 2018. Regarding the adaptation, the two seasons were imprecisely based on the first two volumes of the original light novels due to the studios Kyoto animation they usually adapt the novels of their publishing label at will.
Chuunibyou Demo Summary Koi ga Shitai!
Everyone has experienced that phase in their life where they thought they were special, different from the crowd of ordinary people. They may see themselves as capable of wielding mystical powers, or may even consider themselves descendants of a fantasy empire. This "disease" is known as "Chuunibyou" and is often the source of some of the most embarrassing moments in a person's life. For Yuuta Togashi, the scars left by the Chuunibyou are still fresh. After posing as the "Master of the Dark Flame" during his high school days, he recalls those times with extreme shame until he decides to attend a distant high school where no one recognizes him.
She leaves her dark past behind and longs to have a normal life in high school. Unfortunately, he still hasn't escaped his past: Enter Rikka Takanashi, Yuuta's new classmate and self-proclaimed ship of the "Evil Eye". When this eccentric young woman bursts into Yuuta's life, his dream of an ordinary life without Chuunibyou is quickly shattered. The delusions of yesteryear are far from over in this hilarious and heartwarming story of a boy who just wants to put his embarrassing memories behind him.
Font: Official Twitter account
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