there Kawaki Saga: Himawari at Ninja Academy is in the process of making way for a new original anime story arc in Boruto. Therefore, the adventure with the Sons of the Seventh Hokage draws to a close and the duo enter the final battle against the antagonist of this saga.
In Boruto 271, the identity of Kae’s assassin was discovered by Kawaki and Himawari. Unfortunately, the truth came out too late and that teacher Hannah successful in her mission to kill the princess of bamboo land.
Finally, in Episode 272 of the Boruto anime, the students of Konoha’s Ninja Academy reach out to Kawaki and Himawari and ask for explanations for what happened. They recognize this in disbelief Kae is probably not dead and that Hana orchestrated her murder with an ulterior motive. Therefore, the class of the academy is mobilized to look for the classmate and the teacher.
In fact, Kae wasn’t killed by Hana, who did kept his student alive to use him as a hostage in the negotiations for the liberation of the prime minister of the bamboo country. However, not wanting to be exploited as a pawn, Kae frees herself from captivity and confronts her former teacher.
Wounded and weary by now, Kae arrives saved by Kawaki’s intervention, who has since revealed to the other companions that he is a true ninja of Konoha. The final showdown between Kawaki and Hana will begin soon.