The magical kingdom faces its toughest battle: Judgment Day approaches in Black Clover. However, in this final battle between the forces of good and evil, there will be no Emperor Julius Novachrono to hide it Darkest Menace EverLucius Zogratis.

In which'final arc of Black Clover Not only will we witness the battle between the last Zogratis and the Magic Knights of Clover. In Black Clover 335, the new Emperor proclaims that he is not alone, but has one on his side Army of Paladins. Who is this group of enemies made up of?

As part of his crazy plan to save the world, Lucius Zogratis, the host of the devil Astaroth, has found a way to use his soul magic to purify the devils and their powers. By embodying these purified devils in a human, one gets one new form of holy life called a paladin. Thus, the paladins are human wizards who have received the power of purified devils from Lucius Zogratis.

The first paladin we see in Yuki Tabata's manga series is Sister Lily, the nun of the Hage Church who receives the "gift". Power of Beelzebub, previously a guest of Zenon Zogratis. In Chapter 336 of Black Clover, Lucius Zogratis is shown alongside him four of his strongest paladins, those who received the powers of high-level devils. With the exception of Sister Lily, the identities of the other three are still a mystery, although there are several clues as to their real names.

Beside Lucius we see clearly damnation, the only one who discovered the truth about Julius Novachrono. Was it given to him as a gift from Zagred, the devil who caused the elven genocide and who was then defeated by Asta and the others?

The other two characters supporting Lucius, on the other hand, are completely hazy. However, some are already born theories about their identity. Behind these two mysterious characters could be the faces of Morgen Faust, Nacht's brother and former best friend of Yami Sukehiro, and Marcus Francois, the Magic Emperor's assistant, who also seems to have disappeared.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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