During the anime of Black clover comes to an end, the story of Asta and the Magical Knights scrolls through the pages of the paper work and new information about Night’s past is revealed. Let’s find out together.
The existence of the deputy captain of the Black Bull it was discovered after Yami’s abduction. After returning from his espionage mission in the Kingdom of Swords, Nacht first introduced himself to his companions and proved himself to be such possessed by demons just like the protagonist.
Only recently, however, have readers learned how the man was accepted into Black Bull society. While in the new chapter of Black Clover the vice-captain gets into trouble a Flashback informs us of the existence of Mogen, the character’s younger brother who loved to put his powers at the service of the Magic Knights That is why he met Yami. Unfortunately, however, the young man died when Nacht tried to summon the supreme devil, and just as the future vice-captain was mourning the loss, the user of the magic of darkness offered him that Opportunity to join the company what he would find later.
Thanks to these revelations, we understand better Sign sign and his aversion to most of the members of his own group who, like him, have dark pasts that they cannot forget.
What do you think about the night and its story? Let us know in the comments.
Finally, here is a spectacular key visual for the upcoming Black Clover film.