The transition between the DC Comics Universe and the current Fortnite video game continues Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point, Comic series that brought the Bat Man to the island where the Epic Games-developed Battle Royal of the title takes place. In place, however, comes another familiar face.
Let’s talk about Deathstroke trapped on the island challenging the Caped Crusader in the fourth volume of Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point. The chaotic situation that will develop in this issue will also affect Catwoman, who is threatened and taken hostage by Slade Wilson.
Here she is Summary from Batman / Fortnite: Zero Point # 4. “”Bataman has freed himself from the endless cycle of combat. The world’s most famous detective can explore the island of no limits and bring to the surface some secrets never revealed before about the world of Fortnite. But he’s not alone. It is coming
Approaching a faction of Fortnite villains including Eternal Voyager, Bandolette, Magnus, and Fishstick. But there’s someone else trapped, someone trying to escape the world of Fortnite, someone mortal. Batman recognizes this famous bounty hunter, but will he trust him? Just because Batman isn’t up to date doesn’t mean the fights are over! “
The fourth volume of this comic is written by Christos Gage and illustrated by Christian Duce, Nelson Faro DeCastro and John Kalisz. Slade’s arrival in Batman x Fortnite could give Epic Games Battle Royale a Deathstroke skin.
Meanwhile, we discover the sexual orientation of an ally of Batman. Jim Gordon was hired by a dangerous organization in the Batman world to find out who he is.