years after the completion of the manga by attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama has decided to participate in various events around the world. After being in France for the Angouleme Comic Festival in January 2023, he went to the in FebruaryAnimeNYC. Let’s see how her experience was in the Kodansha video.

Many opera enthusiasts attended the convention, one of the most important in the industry outside of Japan, and among them, some tried to get Isayama-sensei’s autograph by sharing their inserted photos on social networks Visual of the series depicting some of the most popular characters like Mikasa and Levi.

Isayama also wanted to take the same photo, who, as you can see in the video shown at the bottom of the page, also saw a lot of the messages that fans left on the inside walls Kodansha is all about Attack on Titan. A unique way to experience the passion of the community for his work, which today is considered one of the best exponents of the shonen category and has become one of the most relevant and followed in the animation sector.

As usual, let us know what you think of this special video summarizing Isayama’s experience at Anime NYC 2023 in the comments. Before we say goodbye, let’s remember that Mikasa’s decision has been immortalized in a collectible figure, and we leave you with our review of Attack on Titan Final Chapters 1 before the two parts of the conclusion.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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