The new members of the Mugiwara were discussed for a long time. The Luffy Straw Hat crew remained focused on the nine members for a long time ONE PIECEand only expanded to ten after the arrival of Jinbe, although he hesitated a lot before actually calling himself a member of the group.

Several allies were won during the Dressrosa saga, and no one joined the crew at this point of ONE PIECE. In the last period, however, carrot, the eleventh member of the Mugiwara, was hypothesized Eiichiro Oda seems to have proposed a new character.

We recently got to know each other Yamato, Daughter of Kaido and strongly inspired by Oden Kozuki, as if he were a man to imitate his idol. She has always dreamed of leaving Wanokuni where she has been trapped by her father since she was eight, and in Chapter 985 of ONE PIECE she made a pretty clear suggestion to Luffy.

During the discussion in the Atigashima loft Yamato asked hairlessly to join Luffy’s crew. The captain’s response did not allow for any imbalances, but the woman’s strength would undoubtedly be favorable to the group of protagonists who are about to make their last voyage. Will Yamato be the eleventh member of the Mugiwara? Will he enter at the same time as carrot, or will he decide nothing at some point?

The answer will not come until the end of the Wanokuni saga, so we have to wait a few months.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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