Demon Slayer: Mugen Train triumphed in the 44th edition of the Japan Academy Film Prize, the most important annual Japanese award ever for anything to do with the film industry. Ufotables Film received the “Best Animated Film” and “Popularity Award” awards and only lost in the “Best Soundtrack” category.
Last year the award went to Makoto Shinkai’s Weathering With You for this year The result, paradoxically, was less obvious, as Violet Evergarden: The film emerged from two triumphs at the Tokyo Anime Film Festival and the Kyoto Digital Awards. The following candidates and winners.
Best animated film
- Demon Slayer: Mugen Train
- Violet Evergarden: The Movie
- Josee, the tiger and the fish
- Stand by me at Doraemon 2
- Poupelle from Chimney Town
Among other things, the excellent Midnight swan triumphed in the “Best Film” category with the leading role Tsuyoshi Kusanagi awarded in the “Best Actor” category. Instead, the prize for the best foreign film went to parasite, a masterpiece by southern-born Bong Joon-ho, who even managed to take home three Oscars last year.
Regarding the Oscars, we remind you that unfortunately no anime film has been nominated for the 2021 Academy Awards where the jury preferred five US films. Demon Slayer: However, Mugen Train will debut in North America on April 23rd to overtake My people, my home, Bad boys for life is The eight hundred and become the highest grossing film of 2020.
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