On the manga website Tonari no Young Jump from the publisher Shueisha, the serialization of a manga adaptation of the original anime from the studios began. Trigger, Brand New Animal.

Brand New Animal KV

The adaptation is the responsibility of AsanoFor its part, the first six episodes premiered exclusively in Japan through Netflix on March 21 and premiered the following six on May 6. Subsequently, the series officially premiered on April 8 on Japanese television and airs a new episode weekly. According to a Netflix statement, the series will premiere outside of Japan on June 30.

Brand New Animal Synopsis

It is the 21st century, the existence of human-animals was exposed after a long time being hidden in the dark corners of history. Michiru lived a normal life as a human, until one day he becomes a tanuki-human. She runs and takes shelter in “Anima City” built ten years ago by human-animals to live peacefully.

There, Michiru meets Shirou, a wolf-human who hates humanity. Through Shirou, Michiru discovers the cruel life of human-animals, their worries and their joys. As Michiru and Shirou try to decipher the meaning and secret behind Michiru's transformation, they are unknowingly meddling in a major incident.

© 2020 TRIGGER ・ 中 島 か ず き / 『BNA ビ ー ・ エ ヌ ・ エ ー』 製作 委員会


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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